Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My delusion

In the pond saw an iceberg
Strong and tall it stood
Frozen it shone like diamonds tied together
Deep it reached freezing all the water what was left
Even on a sunshine day it stood tall
Little drops of water when rolled down looked like
Stars falling from the sky
As the drops touched the hot water it felt even colder
It looked like the ice was not melting but helping the pond stay cold
More I went towards it I felt it going far
Every time I tried reaching out to it by my hand I felt it trying to escape my touch
Every single step I toke towards it, it kept running away
The sun above me was hard and hot
I felt drops of water rolling down my neck from behind my ears
Soon my hands too felt watery
Every step started becoming heavy
I felt as if I was holding a huge load on my shoulder which was slowly slowly slipping down
Soon the ice berg was out of my sight yet I did not loose hope
I kept moving towards the direction it went
I was running my best when I realized
My speed was slowing down
I had started to loose speed
My feet started getting tired
It felt as if they would no longer obey the orders of my mind
I was worried will I be able to walk again
Just then was a huge fall
A fall which I never was able to see
As if the hole appeared just a minute ago
I felt as if my legs were badly hurt
But soon got stable again and decided to run
Don’t know if it was my fate or my mistake
But I just could not get back on my feet again
i no more had my legs
no more were the feet with which I ran left
all that was left was water
in the pond of the water I had created my own pond
a pond which was cold n was dyeing
soon the sun would have heated it and melted the rest of my being
no more was I in a delusion
no more I was dreaming
I was a part of that iceberg
I was one of its edges
I was left behind
It was a very well thought decision
I was week n I was causing the whole ice berg to melt
So it left me behind alone in this pond under the shining sun
No more was I a stranger sitting along the bank observing the ice berg
I myself am a part of it
Or should I say was a part of it
No more delusions were left
And soon I realized all my life was a delusion
And today they all were broken
Like glass breaks.

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