Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dessert……………………………

The dessert seems to be expanding every time I took a step to reach its end
The sand flew across my face every time I tried to open my eyes
The more thirsty I got, more water dried up from the ponds
More tired I felt the days became longer
The more I slept the nights got shorter
Stuck in this dessert I don’t know what to do
All I could do was to keep going
Keep going so that one day the dessert even may feel bad
The day he also would realize that I suffered a lot
Till the day he feels that I have been tested a lot and no more is the need
Till that I just have to go on

The hope on which I live sometimes die
My will at times starts to give up
The strength in my arms and legs long gone tease me
This happens every time a fall
They ask me what good am I if I can’t even walk
They poke me with questions to which I got no reply
I lie like a dead in front of them
And wait till they walk all over me

Every time this has happened I feel dead
Every time in this death I gained more strength
The strength which helps me up again
The power to once again stand and face
No matter what it throws at me I am willing to take
Pain, fear, loneliness and depression no more make me weak
I have lived through all of them and lived with them
We have all traveled in the same cart and gone through hell

Not scared of what hell will be like
Seen enough already down here
Here in this dessert where I stand
If devil comes to live would rename his hell
He too will escape coz its too hard
He too will be seen running all around
Till the time he realizes the real truth
Hell is not where you pay for what you do
It is right here where your close ones have to pay for what you do
Hell after death makes no difference but “death after hell” kills you from inside

See me burning you make enjoy,
Or seeing me in pain you also may suffer
But non of this would have never happened if you wouldn’t have been selfish
No one would have to pay if you thought about what you did
A right decision what looks to you may mess some one up
A kind selfless action you may take might end some one in this hell
No more is what I pray for all
Have meet many and made friends with lot
They all are in pain and now want to die
It’s a land of men insane of which one I am
We all pray for death when are with each other
We all wish that tomorrow don’t want to meet some one else
We all are selfish and want this land to our selves only
Hence we all wish no more are sent to this dessert so that its us only

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