Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I now Believe

What words do I use this night,
My mind tonight just can’t sleep
How I want to write I just can’t decide,
Because word just can not explain what today I feel

I am not sad that I am sure of,
Not low nor am depressed
Rather today as I lift my pen,
All that I feel has had me amazed

It’s been long since last time I wrote with out pain,
It’s been long since I felt the breeze from with in
The sun again is not hot enough,
Time again I feel has slowed down

Slow it is so that today I stole a moment to write,
And now I feel at peace with no scars to hide
I realized for long I hadn’t wrote with a smile,
Rather till today I now feel I had stopped living my life

All I was doing was just trying to survive,
Letting the sand slip with each passing time
But now come all, just look at me,
I am smiling with out pretending

I again feel like flying high,
With every push opening my eyes
Again today I got back on my feet,
Today not to pretend but to believe

The believe which I could again trust on,
Was one of the presents which a smile gave me
I new ray of hope is now what I see,
No more to pretend, now I can be me

This change which I feel now,
Made me realize its not over so soon
It proved to me that I am no more dead,
I no more am numb and now won’t stop living

I feel good I feel proud,
Of all the mistakes I made till now
I still haven’t forgotten to laugh loud,
Just was pretending than to confess out

This whole change is because of you,
And I wanted to tell you this before
Then thought it would be best if I said so today,
After what all you gave me this is what you get
I want you to know that today I happy and smiling,
Not because I have to but because today I want to
Thanks for giving me this choice to smile,
Now even if I will fall I won’t die
Because now I believe in what u always say,
“With good people only good happens by the end”

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