Wednesday, May 21, 2008

life is at war

Life is at war……………….

Covered with love is what a baby was born with

Loved by parents is what his first birthday gift was

To get inspired, he has what we call brothers and sisters

Grows with all the love one can ever dream of is his future

But will this life he see now stay

Or will he too be pushed to the point where he just snaps and breaks in to pieces

Or if he does not then just die with the pain and weight on his soul, his life

When born, right now all cares and loves him

But as he grows with it he must grow strong

Be able to have the strength to kill his own self when required

And to teach this he has no one

Neither his parents nor the ones he looks up to

There is only one teacher who can teach him but ….

He never teaches any one yet every one gains strength from him

He is not god……….no not at all

He is something we not very often want to come across

He is what we call LIFE

As he grew his first lesson came

He was just 3 when his training started

An age where one does not even know what is right or what is wrong

To be honest even as grown ups we also don’t know what is what

All we do is to make a visible line between the two but we always tend to forget

There is always a GREY shade in between them

The first test was to not remember the one who gave him life

To forget every single memory of the one who promised to take care of him at all times

He was to withstand the loss of his basic support

But as it always said life and time wait for none

He too moves on with nothing to remember

All is left is a blurred picture of someone, who from him never existed

A picture that gave him shivers

Something which scared him so much that even the most prettiest of the dreams went red

But this was just the start of a never ending process

Like every structure needs pillars to stand he did too

It is just that now he has to balance without one

It was not fair in his terms but if compared to some one who stands alone he still was lucky

He went on to grow but this time the love made him strong

Not weak and dependent because he understood the first basic truth

He went to grow in a fine young boy with a mind which still is fighting

A mind who has been fighting against the very life

Who fights for the right to shape his own self but life never agrees

As he fought he grew stronger and seeing this

It was decided to teach him the next lesson which would break his will

And the lesson was love

He grew on to love some one so pretty that no one has ever seen

Some one who was pure from heart

Some one like him some one who was better

Some one who just wasn’t fighting rather some one

Who took to fight to the other side

Some one who was to be punished for her outrageous rebellious acts

He grew on to love someone like this

Love her to a limit that he himself never had thought

And so it all began

The beginning of the next lesson was most beautiful

It gave him a sense of completion a sense of security and love

It taught him how tough was to start

But it was even tougher to go on and keep it with himself always

He learned to respect and to live up

He now had an aim which he always wandered for

This time he was not ready to let go

Not to let this war end without a fight

Not like the last time when he never realized what he had lost

He promised to always stand by her side no matter what happened

He promised to love her till the last day of his life

Promised to keep her safe from every thing

Promised to support her and help her win this war

The war which he too was fighting

But he never cared for his front

All he cared about was to make her win

And so together they stood hard on the ground taking every blow that came

The worst hit was when fate tried to part him away from her

He went somewhere far and she was left alone

But none of them gave up, brave they both were

This was something that was not acceptable

And then came time for his lesson

The lesson he will never forget

Something of whose memories will haunt him to the last day of his life

He again stood at a point where he had to choose

A point where he had to choose either his bright future or his love

And so he did he left his future for the one without whom there was no future

He choose his love and now the war had taken a u-turn

But then something so terrible happen

He came back for his love but………

He never saw her again

The day he came back he was happy because he was back to fight with her love

What he did not know was that she was now fighting this war for the last time

She tried to withstand for some time but just after 2 days of his return

What she did was something no one had thought

She saw herself facing a defeat and

She was one who could never gave up so

Instead of losing it she killed herself and with that blow won the war

She had won because she did not do what she was asked to

She did what she wanted to but now he was again left alone

Broken into pieces all he saw was to give up

All he thought was to also kill himself and this time he couldn’t move on

Just when he was going to give up he found the perfect medicine for himself

The perfect dose that made him kept on fighting this war

The medicine was wounds…………………

Wounds which he gave himself

It helped him to ease the pain of guilt of failing in his promise

And kept him fighting

He went on doing this till there was no place in his body or soul with no wounds

It went to such a limit that he started seeing his victory

But then suddenly………………………………………

In his life came some one who promised to fill in the empty space

He too forgot his war and went on to do things as they were meant to be done

He lived in the illusion for sometime but soon it was to end

And now when it has end he is ready to start the war again

Only this time he is much more stronger than ever before

He still is fighting and will be till he dies

He did had forgotten his aim for sometime but like it always happens

After the rain the sun shines brightly and so will he too

One day he will win and will live on to celebrate but till then

He has to fight and that is what he will do

He still loves her same way he used to

Still wishes her to come back

Still is empty from inside but now he knows

He knows if he wins she will return

She will again be his and they again will be together

The story which they started they both will end

And so I too wish it does happen

After all the pain he has been through and is still going through

I wish him luck …………………….. not for his victory

But for the strength to absorb all the pain that will come his way

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