Tuesday, November 20, 2012

careless that i am

i forgot to go for a walk when it was pleasant
i went to play when the sun was hot
and i was awake when the world slept 

careless that i am
i never remembered what to do
i never acted the way i needed to
i stayed quite when all wanted to hear me
and i shouted when left no one was around

careless that i am
i promised myself and then forgot
i repeated the same mistakes that i shouldn't have
and i did things that i shouldn't have

careless that i am
i write again and again forget
i remember when its too late
and i then i ask myself why did it happen

careless for sure i am
i toyed with people's emotions n left
i made her cry even when i said i hated it
and i gave scars which might never heal

careless for sure i am
does my carelessness have any cure
or will i continue to hurt those i love
will i make them suffer and cry
or will i bear this alone and die

what fault is it of others for my actions
what fault is of their's for how i behave
why should they suffer for what i do
why should they forgive me for my careless attitude

i dont intend to reason or explain
neither do i think my saying will bring any change
it is correct that i am not trusted
they are right when they say i am worthless

i can do no good
all i can do is write
i write too much and talk a lot
may be that is how careless people are

but in my old life i never was careless
i was dedicated and affectionate
but since then a lot has changed
i used to be a boy and now trying to grow outside and within

i cannot ask for forgiveness as have lost your faith
i cannot face you as well coz i am proved careless
all i ask is let me grow
all i ask is wait to see what i turn into

i dont want to be careless not with you
but there are just too many things to change in one go
i am trying to move as fast as i can do
distance between us is far yet i am running towards you

bear with me just for sometime
i am careless but trying to revamp
dont know if at all will achieve
i still will try with what ever left in me

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