Saturday, October 6, 2007


Forced to smile forced to walk,
Living a life dead long back
All I m to do is to keep doing what I don’t want to do,
This is what I have been reduced to.

Words are all deep and intense,
No one bothers to understand them,
All what is left is fake smile all through,
This is what I have been reduced to.

Got my arms bleeding all around,
What they are worried is that I wet their floor,
So need to pack up all my blood and flow on,
This is what I have been reduced to.

Sympathy is what everyone is selling,
To console every one is ready to do,
But no one tries to think what one would need,
All they want is to reduce me to what I never wanted

It’s my fault that this has happened to me,
I always wanted to live long that’s when I forgot,
Life has to end one day and to live long,
Memories are what I need them to get.
But then when u live through memories pain is all you see,
What all people can do is to give you sympathy.

Every one around talks about why should I talk this way,
All comment on why I am being so low,
They all say life is too less to live the pain,
I say they got no right to talk about me in any way.
They all can is to comment upon me,
But none of them ever went through what I lived in.

It’s a big thing for me to still be sane,
If it was on you u would have been out of this pain.
I am not going to run and hide,
I will live on and fight.
Fight with the fear in me to lose my identity and love,
I will take this fight to the end.

End where I see my self rest in peace,
Nothing to bother me or to hold me,
Then I will make my first prayer,
Talk to god and tell him never to let me born again
After all it is this ass life I m trying to fight,
With my death victory is what I have won,
Going back there and starting to fight again,
Sorry god there is no blood left in my veins.

I am sorry to shed all I had in the last life u gave,
But trust me it was these cuts that help me to win,
I may sound insane to you all but,
The best part is now I don’t give a fuck.
Lost is what I love to be,
Lost is what u will feel once u read me.
But the tough thing is I have no clue how will you read me
I am not a book neither a ballad that u can read
All you can is sit on the side and see me die,
Thinking who was the guy who passed away like that,
I will remain a mystery to all who see,
And this way I will live forever.
This might sound stupid to some I may know
But this is what I have been reduced to.

The life has been hard on me,
And I am willing to now break free,
Fly of to what my destiny where ever it may be,
Forgive me if I dump you and just leave,

Take it like you asked me to go on with it,
Live for ever not ever thinking about me,
But some day I will get back to you all through my poem,
And then that day I will find my destiny.

So bye to all of you for now,
Will see u soon either in hell or heaven,
I will be there at both places,
Because I am sure my death will even not be the end,
End of This struggle I went through all my life,
So hence will greet u all, at the gate outside.

Sorry for writing such a long note,
Small things are what I never do.
I may be no one but in my life I was the only one,
And this is what I was forced to reduce to.

anchal kakroo(cut down to liquid)

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